Headcovering Orthodox Christian Women
40 members Tradition
This is an extension of the established FB group of the same name. We are a group for Eastern Orthodox women who share an interest in headcovering. Most of us cover our heads during church services. Some of us cover our heads full-time. Some of us don't cover at all, except when the weather is cold, but would like to learn more, or need support to start. We also talk about recipes for Lent, prayer requests, saints, parenting, asceticism, dogs and cats, jobs, and many other things. (But not politics. It's too hard for some of us to be charitable when politics comes up. And charity is absolutely required.) We do not accept men into the group, nor businesses, nor women who are not Orthodox (communicants, catechumens, and women who are prayerfully considering whether they wish to join the Holy Orthodox Church are all welcome). These limits are not because we don't love you, but because we need a place where we can let our hair down and talk freely amongst ourselves. If you want to join the group, and you meet our requirements, please send a message to an admin.
Emily Neve
Alexandra Rodriguez
Alicia Lewis
31 members Tradition
"Following the holy Fathers" is a phrase commonly used by the Local and Ecumenical Councils of the Church to introduce their doctrinal decrees. In our opposition to the modern heresies of ecumenism, liberalism, socialism, relativism, humanism, cultural Marxism, we turn to the tradition of the holy Fathers for faith, principles, and understanding of the Divine Scriptures. In our discussion of the great issues of our day, we shall not transgress the landmarks erected by the inspired Fathers. Naturally, this implies that we adhere to the proclmations and canons of the Church of which they were the "new prophets." Please be aware that this group is a traditional Orthodox group, and although we do not exclude anyone from contributing to the discussion, our intention is to be faithful to the Holy Fathers---knowing that they are infalable mouthspieces inspired of the Holy Spirit. Here we do not question their authority, neither do we take their teachings as outdated or anachronistic. No private interpretation is allowed by anyone. We understand them in terms of Scripture, the councils, the canons and iconography.
35 members Tradition
This group is for lovers of traditional Orthodox church architecture, be it Byzantine, Russian, or any other tradition. It is for the discussion of traditional church architecture, construction techniques and materials used. Everyone is invited to join, load images of beautiful churches as well as share exciting news about new construction.