This is a group for those Eastern Orthodox Christians who don't feel called to be a monastic but, for whatever reason, cannot canonically be or even just do not wish to be married and who live according to the teachings of the Church. We cybermeet for mutual support, fellowship, and if we're lucky, to find a chaste life companion or even a group of such, to help us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Living alone, in Community, or sharing living space one-on-one we need to be seen as worthwhile members of the Church, no more or less worthy than monastics or married folks.
558 members Cultures/Communities
This group, which started on Yahoo, now comes to Orthodox Circle. The group's primary focus is on helping those who are not called to monasticism to find an Orthodox spouse. However, those who are not yet ready for marriage are also welcome to join for fellowship with other Orthodox singles. (Note: those who have no intention of ever getting married are directed to the "Non-Monastic Singles" group elsewhere on the Circle).