Group Info

A page setup specifically for discussions on the spread of Orthodox Christianity within the state of Tennessee.

Jas Faulkner
Hi! I'd like to learn more. I have Greek roots and originally started visiting Alektor to learn more and also because it Father Parthenos and JEsse always created such a comforting, inviting place. I dropped the thread of that part of my life and came back to find Alektor was no more, and am now picking up my learning online.
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Ronald Shillings
Hello Jas! I hope for this circle to be a place where you can get more information. I myself converted at Pascha, 2012. I was living in VA and had the benefit of an Orthodox Church just down the road. I can give you some good online info and answer questions to the best of my ability.
June 20, 2013
Ronald Shillings
Do you have a parish near you?
June 20, 2013
Jas Faulkner
<p>I'm in the county north of Nashville, so web links are a good thing.   Sorry you weren't here to experience Alektor.  It really was a rare sacred community space in Nashville. </p>
June 20, 2013
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