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Andrew Chorny

Orthodoxy as paradoxy.

Crypto Christian
updated their profile photo.
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Andrew Colias
Until a god is also superior to logic and sense themselves, it is not omnipotent and need not be worshiped as supreme, and if not supreme, it need not be worshipped at all. Which is to say, our God can make perfectly good nonsense if He darn well pleases. All things need be consistent with Him, He need be consistent with naught but Himself. Problem solved, back to praying, everyone.
Crypto Christian
Vasiliki Didaskalou
HI Andrew, thanks for inviting me to this Circle but could you explain to me the intention of this circle?
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Andrew Chorny
Good news. I like to see, things resemble good news? Let me think about it, and I'll post something better than that. Glad to see you join!
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>Ok, good news and paradox are quite distinct from each other <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /></p>
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
<p>Good point. CryptoChristian 1.0?</p>
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
<p>I think of it paradoxically in the sense, we would expect this news from practicing Orthodox Christians, and are seeing it more in the secular world?</p>
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>So, are these people actually christian or are you merely "interpreting" there actions or comments to be pseudo-christian like? still just asking to get the feel for what the point it ... <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v... View More
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
<p>Either way. Then using the Holy Fathers, as the lense through which we interpret their actions would be best.</p>
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>The fundamental flaw to this style is that "intention" is everything in Orthodoxy. A priest, for example, will never adminster Holy Communion without the consent of the participant, etc. Therefore, making claims that someone's action "is" Orthodox without their consent to that claim is in someway... View More
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
<p>Not the intetion at all. Simply an opportunity to look at Popular Culture, throught the eyes of the Holy Fathers. Focusing on the postive, and supporting it's interpretation.</p>
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>I dont believe that this is the Orthodox way <img src="" alt="Happy" title="Happy" title="v_middle" /> I do not believe that the Church Fathers would support you in this action but I am willing to be proven wrong ... it will be intere... View More
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>awesome ... Ill give it a read.</p>
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
What do you think we should do with the circle?
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>Leave it ... dont limit it to Hollywood though as I really do not believe there are many "crypto-christians" lying around there other than Tom Hanks <img src="" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" title="v_middle" /></p>
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
<p>Johnathan Jackson!</p>
May 20, 2013
Vasiliki Didaskalou
<p>Really? Cool ...</p>
May 20, 2013
Andrew Chorny
True. But the grace of God can act through people without their even knowing it. Their actions can resmeble something the holy father would recognize, but that the actual person might not understand?
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Vasiliki Didaskalou
Ok ... I think I am starting to understand, however, what I dont understand is that you can not apply "quotes" of fathers to make something "true" ... whilest the action may resemble an Orthodox action it does not make it an Orthodox action without the consent of the individual who is actioning that action ...
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Andrew Chorny
I think, "how and where is Orthodoxy hidden in the world around us", might be the best way to descirbe it?
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Andrew Chorny
Then apply, quotes, or teaching from the Holy Fathers to support the arugument.
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Andrew Chorny
I want to find that same quality of paradoxy, outside the orthodox church, though media.
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Vasiliki Didaskalou
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Crypto Christian
"I think it's my responsibility to know it, and to be conscious of it. And it would be really easy to say-- you know, I'm-- I'm 21 now. I do what I want. You raise your kids. But it's, that's not the truth of it. The truth of it is that every singer out there with songs on the radio is raising the next generation. So make your words count."
Crypto Christian
Shout out too Jonathan Jackson! Cryptochristian
Crypto Christian
Crypto Christian
"The future of a nation depends on it's young women, and their understanding of ethics, and morality." St.Nektarios
Crypto Christian
Part 2
Crypto Christian
A beautiful story, worth watching.
Andrew Chorny
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Crypto Christian
He who loves, ought so to love, that if he were asked even for his soul, and it were possible, he would not refuse it. I do not say &#8220;if he were asked,&#8221; but so that he would even run to present him with the gift. For nothing, nothing can be sweeter than such love; nothing will fall out there that is grievous. Truly &#8220;a faithful friend is the medicine of life.&#8221; (Ecclus. vi. 16.) Truly &#8220;a faithful friend is a strong defense.&#8221; (Ib. 14) For what will not a genuine f... View More
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