Group Info
Elizabeth D.
Homesteading is a very satisfying lifestyle but also can be quite demanding. During very busy liturgical periods as well as fasting periods, it is difficult to balance th... More

Wall Comment

Jeremy Heise
The first of my tomatoes are coming in! Thanks be to God, very excited about this! It has been years since I have had a garden.
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Nektaria D
Congratulations! This is the first time in years that I HAVEN'T had a garden! I'm trying to pitifully grow lettuce in planter boxes on my porch which doesn't get enough sun. haha
July 4, 2013
Jeremy Heise
<p>Yes, sun is indeed important, have you tried self watering containers?  They work great for lettuce!  You actually make your own pretty easily from 4 or 5 gallon food grade buckets.</p>
July 4, 2013
Jeremy Heise
<p><a href="" target='_blank'></a></p>
July 4, 2013