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Elizabeth D.
OrthodoxSimpleLiving is for those interested in a simpler way of life less dependent on the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Gardening, food preservation, root cell... More

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Besides a seed saving system, I would love to set up a sustainable, low maintainance culturing system for sourdough, buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, cheese making and fermenting. But those are a lot of different cultures and it would be difficult to maintain them all and prevent cross contamination. Anyone maintain a wide range of different cultures? <br /><br />My favorite source for cultures is:<br /><br />
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Marcos E Mtz Abularach
I made kefir long time ago... got bored from them after a while. We normally make yogurt. Would like to grow mushrooms
May 10, 2013
Elizabeth D.
Our matushka is growing wine cap mushrooms in the wood mulch of her garden. I want to do that too, since I am using wood mulch as well. I tried kefir some years ago, and it was very hard to keep up with. The fact that it doesn't store well and had to be used every day was a major limiting factor, es... View More
May 10, 2013
Nikolia Hasiakos
Just got my sourdough cultures from there! Can't wait to get them started.
May 16, 2013