The Western Orthodox Communion
Welcome to the Western Orthodox Communion! Welcome to this space for sharing information, thoughts, articles, links, and other resources about life in the Communion of Western Orthodox Churches! At present, the communion comprises the French Orthodox Church, the Celtic Orthodox Church, and the Orthodox Church of the Gauls, and has monasteries, parishes, and missions in France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Poland, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean, and the United States of America. Everybody is welcome to participate who has an interest in Orthodox Christianity in its Western liturgical, spiritual, and cultural expression, through which the lands of the West were hallowed by the saints who worked out their salvation here in ancient times. We only ask that you abide by our three simple rules: We are Christians.  Please remember that behind the words on the screen is a human being, made in the image of God, and let us treat each other accordingly. Canonicity means faithfulness to the Apostolic Tradition - nothing more; nothing less. The partisan dismissal as "uncanonical" or "not Orthodox" of Orthodox jurisdictions that are faithful to the Orthodox liturgical, spiritual, patristic, scriptural, and canonical Tradition, simply because they are not subordinate to particular, larger jurisdictions, is not accepted practice here. This is a place for discussing various aspects of life in the Communion of Western Orthodox Churches.  Posts illustrating how the Orthodox Faith is lived in a western expression in other jurisdictions are welcomed, insofar as they provide inspiration and an example of what is possible locally; as are those expressing the universal Orthodox Tradition, provided they may be of spiritual benefit.  If your post does not meet these criteria, please consider whether another group might be a better place for it.