Dear listers,
If you haven\'t seen it already, get your hands on \"Something the Lord Made,\" starring Alan Rickman and Mos Def. This film, based very closely on the true story, speaks volumes about courage, integrity, and devotion, and it\'s not all pretty.
Rickman (Snape) is a southern medical researcher stuck in a rut trying to solve the mysteries of traumatic shock. Def plays Vivien Thomas (for a mild spoiler, just google that name), a most unlikely carpenter-become-med tech who grows to be the guiding light -- and hands -- in a medical revolution. The doctor is white, the lab tech is black, and when the team arrives at Johns Hopkins together in the mid-20th century, you can imagine the fireworks.
This film is perfect for tweens and up, and has more food for thought than anyone can digest in one sitting. Strongly recommended viewing.
Dn Kevin Smith [image][/image]
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I think this is a incredible movie.
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Can you be more specific? What made it \"incredible\" for you?
-dn kevin
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John Chan
I just watched this movie. Thanks for the recommendation, Dn Kevin.
I think I know who to direct my kids\' attention to when they do \"black history month\" in the schools come February. It was inspiring to see how Dr Thomas learned to overcome social injustice with patience and integrity.
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I saw this film about a month ago. As soon as it was over, I wanted to watch it again. I liked that Thomas was not made into a perfect guy: he let his pride get in the way, paid the price, and then humbled himself. If the film hadn\'t shown this part of his life, Thomas could have been a plaster saint instead of a man.
I very much liked how the two men worked together, with respect for one another\'s intelligence and ability. Just thinking about the film makes me want to see it again. I think I\'ll pop over to Netflix and rearrange my queue. I may even do the unthinkable: buy my own copy.
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