I just watched this movie last night and WOW. If you were ever a fan of the book for all its bittersweet wonderfulness, break out a box of tissues for this bad boy. Very well-down and the CGI wasn\'t over-the-top. The story stayed character-driven and poignant.
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I took my daughter (a fan of the book) to see it. Everyone was holding back tears at *that* part of the movie. It was really good. AnnaSophia Robb is quite a talented young actress.
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It was a wonderful movie, and all of my kids really loved it. I just hated the jabs at God and Christian belief...subtle and only a few lines, but totally pointless for the movie.
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John Chan
I watched this movie with my kids. I don\'t think the jabs at Christianity were unnecessary or unwarranted. I think it\'s a good thing to discuss the differences of belief that exist, just as much as it is necessary to learn that what we see when we interact with others is merely a small window into what they\'re experiencing.
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This was one of the saddest movies I\'ve ever seen. My daughters all thought so as well. Beautifully done, but very sad...
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It was great except! THE GIRL DIED! What a bummer! It totally ruined it!
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How did it compare to the book?
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subscribe... lol
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