John Chan
Pan\'s Labyrinth (or in Espanol \"El Laberinto del Fauno\")
Very disturbing movie. A child\'s story, but not for children.
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Brent Schlichting
I\'ve heard that from alot of people.
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Borat. Oh brother.
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that looks dumb
Harry Potter 3
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Brent Schlichting
I didn\'t think it was that bad.
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John Chan
petrat wrote:
Borat. Oh brother.
I admit it. Sometimes, I am actually in a Borat kind of mood.
Wa-wa-wa-wee, Verrr naahs.
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They probably should have waited until they could create even better graphics before making Eragon.
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Eric (Mercurius) Sheppard
wanderingpilgrim wrote:
Zoolander. 'Nuff said.
The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can\'t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.
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ERAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew it was terrible, but I watched it anyways. How naive of me.
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The Spanish CIvil War is (was) a disturbing subject. However, I was really impressed with Del Toro's filmmaking. I put it in that category of exquisitely made movies that I can only sit through once because of the subject matter. And I have a really strong stomach.
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I thought my comment about Pan's Labrynth was going to go under John Chan's comment.
I can't believe I sat through Natural Born Killers. I appreciate what Oliver Stone had to say, but there were no sympathetic characters, whatsoever, in the movie. The violence was disturbing enough, but here's what was worse: NBK holds up the mirror to the viewer and says, \"What about you? What about your voyeuristic interest in criminal escapades.\" Well, mea culpa. The upside is that I won't be wasting time watching any quasi-informational programming like America's Most Wanted or COPS any time soon.
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Omigosh! I can't believe I watched \"Joe's Apartment\"! For those of you who had this \"classic\" slide under your radar, I'll fill you in. A Midwestern twenty-something transplanted in NYC, ends up in a dilapidated brown stone populated by 30,000 cockroaches. There is a romantic interest and a corrupt politician who wants to level the joint and build a high-rise prison. The roaches, as it turns out, can speak, but don't. After all, humans squash first and ask Qs later. Much of this is gut-wrenchingly gross. I did enjoy the musical scenes, one of which starts with a peace-sign formation in the toilet and morphs into an Esther Williams-type production number. This cinematic baby has a Rotten Tomato rating of 12%. Ha! Ha!
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Ha ha, Joe's Apartment.
I gave that one to a friend who was complaining about the roaches in his apartment.
Now RE: Pan's Labyrinth
I liked the movie.
Definitely not for young children though.
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The Piano. Even now, the memory of Harvey Keitel in the altogether burns my retinas. Agony. :tongue:
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Ana Hudici
What is the point talking about it then?
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Re: What is the point talking about it then? I think the original intent of this thread was to warn people away from bad movies. That doesn't always work because one man's meat is another man's poison. I think some of us like to reflect on movies that we've whether we like them or not. My son spends a few hours a month writing movie reviews. He says that it helps him with strategies for taking essay tests in college. If you ever want to read some of his reviews, he posts them on, click on \"reviews\" and select Nathaniel Tensen.
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