John Chan
We've recently discovered (thanks to the public library) the amazing animation work of Hayao Miyazaki. The stories are somewhat complex, so it's not for young kids - and some folks might be hesitant about the Japanese world-view regarding the spirit world and such.
But, other than that, they are well done - even if you can't agree philosophically with the imaginative stories, the artwork is amazing.
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Brent Schlichting
You forgot the ''er''
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:roll: whatev
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Brent Schlichting
^ Broken record here. ^
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I won't post to that, instead i will put this topic back on topic:
How was Spirited Away? I've heard that it's really good.
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Dh and I saw a couple of his movies. Good art work, poor stories in our opinion :-)
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It has been too long since I saw them to be able to say in detail, I just remember the feeling of not being satisfied with the stories. Just not my kind of stories I guess. I am too busy to see them again sooo.... this is all I can say :-)
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Tanya Keenan
Didn\'t HM do Princess Mononoke?
The story lines are very mythological and you\'ll understand them better if you are familiar with Asian culture and world view. Princess Mononoke was seen as having a very environment friendly message. That was my first introduction to Miyazaki\'s work.
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I have watched several of Miyazaki\'s movies, and had varied responses to them. I thought Spirited Away was well done, but it was a pretty typical coming-of-age plot. Pom Poko (about a colony of talking raccoons who shape-shift to stop developers from destroying their home) was kind of funny but maybe disturbing for little kids. My favourite Miyazaki by far was Whisper of the Heart; it\'s the only one I\'ve seen that didn\'t involve a fantasy element. Princess Mononoke was pretty good, but a tad long.
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I love what I\'ve seen so far. So does my four year old daughter. We\'ve seen Spirited Away and The Cat Returns. I\'d like to see others, including Naausica. I don\'t think she\'s too young, btw. She really got into \"the cat movie.\"
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John Chan
I watch along with my kids to help them think through the parts that are more difficult for young people to process - like the emotional conflict, the young romance, the environmental balance between \"Live and let live\" and \"subdue the earth\" etc...
There was one film that I turned off because the language was really REALLY bad. I don\'t remember which film it was - but it had Hayao Miyazaki\'s name in the credits.... So beware! Don\'t let your little kids watch without supervision.
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Kassiani wrote:
(Is a huge Miyazaki fan)
i told them
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In my opinion, all of his movies are amazing. The artwork when compaired to what we do here in the US is just stunning. Why do our movies look so bad? Anyway, I think he is brilliant. Our kids (all 5 of them) have enjoyed watching the movies over and over again. The Japanese world view also leads into some very interesting discussions with Orthodox children, I think.
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Kassiani wrote:
You said, "my friend is a Miyazaki fan", or something like that, I think. :?
Anyway. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
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I haven't seen Spirited Away, but caught Ponyo (Gake No Ue Ponyo). I was really impressed with the story, the background illustrations, and the animation. Having looked at many a manga (Japanese comic book) over people's shoulders on the Japanese Nat'l. Railway, I felt a touch of deja vu.
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