Vasiliki Didaskalou

I am just trying to find my feet in this circle so I wanted to ask the Creator what it is that he is expecting to see develop here? The Paradox nature in Orthodox is in all areas of Orthodoxy so perhaps if the criteria of this group was narrowed down or explained further?

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Andrew Chorny

I want to find that same quality of paradoxy, outside the orthodox church, though media.

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Andrew Chorny

Then apply, quotes, or teaching from the Holy Fathers to support the arugument.

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Andrew Chorny

I think, "how and where is Orthodoxy hidden in the world around us", might be the best way to descirbe it?

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Vasiliki Didaskalou

Ok ... I think I am starting to understand, however, what I dont understand is that you can not apply "quotes" of fathers to make something "true" ... whilest the action may resemble an Orthodox action it does not make it an Orthodox action without the consent of the individual who is actioning that action ...

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Andrew Chorny

True. But the grace of God can act through people without their even knowing it. Their actions can resmeble something the holy father would recognize, but that the actual person might not understand?

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Andrew Colias

Until a god is also superior to logic and sense themselves, it is not omnipotent and need not be worshiped as supreme, and if not supreme, it need not be worshipped at all. Which is to say, our God can make perfectly good nonsense if He darn well pleases. All things need be consistent with Him, He need be consistent with naught but Himself. Problem solved, back to praying, everyone.