In one of the Holy Week services in the Western Rite Vicarate of the AOA, there is what appears condemnations: Jesus is speaking to a Christian recounting what has been done spiritually for him. Then the question is put to the Christian as to why in light of what has been provided, why a victorious life is not being led. The most accusatory and condemning statement is then made: \\"What have I done wrong, testify against me.\\"
According to what one\'s station is in life, aged, infirm, young, etc., Orthodoxy grants economy in fasting, lest the practitioner is overwhelmed,. And thus the enemy of souls bolsters his accusations and attacks. In other words; under wise council, we do what we\'re able to accomplish faithfully. Put in other words it reads thusly: We do what God speaks to us about; be it television, food, reading, internet, etc., etc., etc...
The spiritual ideal is that there be no let down, drop off, or reneging of any part of our ascetic struggles. But God knows our hearts, for it is He who designed, made, and redeemed each of us. Quite often then in practice; there is always some point where we\'re specifically convicted, to continue fighting the good fight of faith.
The asceticism need not be some grand endeavor, but like the majority of our life, one small step at a time. We then are fortified in faith by what God has himself done in us, so that on the great day of Pascha, having confessed our sins, we may confidently receive the Lord of All.
The short version of all that is this: After Great Lent, we keep on shedding the dis-obedience/sin, of the world, flesh, and the devil!!!