So, teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Korea, I have amassed a grab bag of different games useful for the classroom.
I\'m thinking of recording them down in a general format, and an example of them in use. To give EFL teachers a framework to easily construct their own games from the materials available to them.
What do you think? would you buy such a thing - assuming you were an EFL teacher?
Most teachers here are inexperienced, and curious for good teaching techniques.. so I thought there could be a market.... but at the very least, I want to record things that I found useful - for future reference...
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MichaelC Prout
I have a freind who is considering moving to China to teach English, I would ask him what are some ideas?
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It is hard to say if games actually work. I help Serbian children learn english, and while some learn from the games, others see the games as pointless and tend to drift off when playing.
How old are the children? Games work well for younger kids, but around 12-13 years of age, it tends to not work as well.
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I teach in elementary school in Asia.... I think the situation is much different in asia compared to other western countries... Here, there is such a strong group mentality, and also fear of saying something wrong in front of their peers... so students are not so outspoken.... but games eliminate those inhibitions....
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