I\'m not sure how many of you have looked into this, but there is a chip that goes in the body and has all your information on it. Some say it is a medical breakthrough that will save many lives. Basicly all they do is scan you after you have this chip in and all your information comes up. I recently watched a documentary in Serbian about how this will be the mark of the beast that comes up in Revelations. I\'m not sure if there is a video in English, but I did come across this page.
Could this really be the mark of the beast?
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People have been worrying about computer chips for years. Worry less about the latest technology and focus on the LORD. Then you will be fine.
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Being a literlist I never thought of it that way. Very interesting food for thought.
-- Gamliel
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I always thought \\"bluetooth\\" was the mark, haha.... looks like The Borg walkin around, chit chatting.....
\\"resistance is futile!\\"
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There is what I read in the explanation of the \\"mark\\" in the Orthodox Study Bible (its been oh so helpful!)
\\"A parody of God\'s seal of 7:3, even alluding to the Hebrew phylactery of Dt 6:8-where God\'s Law is kept on the forehead and the left hand-and to christmation. The mark is gained by worshipping the beast, it signifies the beast is the owner of those who wear it-their protector and the one to whom they owe their livelihoods. This mark is not visable and physical mark on the person...\\"
Also in the book \\"Elder Cleopa Of Sihastria\\" concerning this and the number 666...
\\"St Andrew says that at the end of the world there will be a sect that will refuse to make the sign of the cross, and the antichrist will place a seal on their right hands so that they cannot lift their hands to their forehead, since the forehead is the mind which is the rational part of the soul.\\"
Hope that helps.
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I went on the page that you listed. Be careful about pages like that...they can create more bad then good, and generally aren\'t based on anything true or Christian, based on the Saints and Holy Fathers sayings...which are there to help us... but on personal people\'s fears and personal \\"understandings\\" of their home readings of the Bible.
Not to say that I would ever be \\"chipped\\" however! :D
I went a little further and saw that they are already advertising \\"Places of Refuge\\" for remaining \\"saints\\". Yikes!
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They say it is a good idea because of identity theft and things like that. Just wait until people are cutting off other peoples hands to steal their identity..then what?
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As Christians, we are marked in our heads as God\'s. Could someone scan that?
It is not the mark of the Beast.
That said, I would be very wary of any id marks on or in my body that could be scanned if I were willing or no. But it is not the Revelation\'s \\"Mark of the Beast.\\"
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William Work
I agree that the mark of the beast is nothing physical. People used to be frightened of barcodes and thought that they would put the barcode on the forehead...not it is a chip.
As a physician, I thought the idea of a chip to give your medical history would be great...except now I am not so sure. I don\'t like the idea now that the medical system envisioned by Lord Messiah Obama would have access to all of your records anyway (chip or NO chip).
As someone mentioned earlier...just focus on God and strive for theosis...
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Elena Ribarevski
I was watching a show on CNBC a few nights ago about Verichip. Some of their own employees have the chip implanted in their arms with only their ID # for the purpose of allowing them into certain areas of the building. It still has to be scanned from a fairly close distance. Most people fear that the Verichip will be like a GPS that will track your whereabouts. Right now, the Verichip is mostly used for pets and Alzheimer\'s patients. I know the vet offered a deal where I could get my dog \\"chipped\\" and it included the yearly dog license renewal . I suppose they can put any kind of information on the chip. I hope it doesn\'t become mandatory for the general human population. Could you imagine how hard it would be to straighten out mistakes in your medical information?
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Misha Sarov
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