I will have to pull for the Cardinals because they are NFC. But some trivia, on the Steelers Troy Polamalu is both an excellent defenseman and an Orthodox Christian. Sorry, but I will have to root against him... my loyalties are with the conference of my Washington Redskins who are going to win next year\'s Super Bowl.
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Elena Ribarevski
I\'ve been a Steeler fan my whole life...at least the part that I remember. Go Troy! Get one for the other thumb!
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If I don\'t root for Pittsburgh, my youngest will be upset with me. Ever since we saw Troy at St. Anthony\'s he\'s been a big fan.
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Cardinals will be a good underdog to root for. And Warner versus Big Ben, I gotta pick Warner. I do like how Troy plays, though. Should be an interesting game.
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Here is a nice write up about Troy Polamalu.
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Elena Ribarevski
The Steelers won, but it was a real nail-biter of a game. There\'s gonna be no living with these guys now;-)
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