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That was very moving...
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Manoli Maginas
I met him as Father Jonah when he came to Pittsburgh to talk back this past Lent and he is amazing! He has great charisma! He\'s been a bishop for what? twelve days? Sounds like something from St Photios (he was a little faster, though). You HAVE to listen to his speech about the future. It\'s only thirty minutes. He\'s amazing! Eis polla eti Despota! And God grant him to remain humble. In his words, and, apparently he borrowed it from Bishop BENJAMIN, you set a guy on a stand in the middle of the church, dress him up like the Byzantine Emperor, and tell him to live forever. haha so true and may God grant all our hierarchs the grace to remain humble! Amen! As Met. JONAH said, \\"GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! ... GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! ... I can\'t hear you. GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! ... That\'s better.\\"
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I was blessed to have been part of a group that traveled to Russia with Metropolitan Jonah, (Deacon Fr. James at the time). He is truly a wonderful person. We should all keep him in our prayers! Axios!
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Thanks for the link to the video!
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John Chan
[url=]Bishop Jonah responds[/url]
I was told that His Beatitude was not even \\"on the radar\\" until he gave this speech on Tuesday prior to the selection process.
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John Chan
I guess I didn\'t have the URL code correct... This one should work.
[url=]Bishop Jonah\'s response to questions[/url]
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Andrew Colias
We Dallasites will miss him greatly, though we\'ve known him for but four weeks.
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Eric (Mercurius) Sheppard
My thoughts exactly
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Byzantine hoopla.. sounds fun.
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Ryan McGee
The whale was the first pick, but he was away on business.
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I just discovered (yes I am a bit slow) that Metropolitan Jonah is here on OC, and as an adviser. Or at least he was when he was an Abbot. I wonder if he\'ll have time to continue here now.
I realize that the only way for him to do that would probably be to give up sleep entirely, but it would be cool.
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I never knew that..
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Manoli Maginas
ya his username is FrJonah. Maybe if enough people comment him (I already did), his inbox will get flooded, he\'ll get on here and somebody will see him during the brief five minutes that he\'s on and they\'ll go to church on Sunday and be like HEY GUESS WHAT! I IM\'D METROPOLITAN JONAH YESTERDAY! lol that\'d be cool!
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That\'s how I heard it as well. He was a Bishop for all of 10 days before the All-American Counsel.
I was so moved by his words that I cried. When our priest told us about the experience, I teared up then as well. I really feel like we have some real leadership now, and I think his thoughts and plans for Orthodoxy in this country are spot on.
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Can\'t wait to meet the Metropolitan...
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