Ryan McGee
Yesterday I went to a homeopathic practitioner in my area. He also is a licensed nurse practitioner. For a while I\'ve been taking herbal supplements. With most I didn\'t notice a major change, except for Rhodiola Rosea. In any case, I was a bit surprised to learn that homeopathy is quite different from traditional herbal remedies, in that its approach is often different.
I know that many scientists are skeptical of homeopathy (\\"it\'s just placebo effect!\\") but I\'ve also come across renowned doctors and other intelligent persons who support it.
Have any of you seen positive effects in either with yourself or with people you know personally?
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Elena Ribarevski
If you have cancer, GET PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL HELP! Don\'t rely on \\"natural\\" remedies to cure you. My dad has cancer now, and my brother was diagnosed with a different type of cancer last year. Some cancers are caused by genetic factors. I know lots of people, including my father, who always ate healthy and didn\'t eat junk food. Sometimes \\"alternative medicine\\" is helpful in dealing with the side effects of cancer treatments. Then again, some \\"alternative treatments\\" for cancer have been proven to be hoaxes. Cancer is serious and shouldn\'t be taken lightly. Many \\"natural\\" treatments interact with the chemo and can cause some unpleasant side effects as well as compromise the effect of the chemo. If you have cancer and don\'t want to use the \\"standard treatment\\" for your type of cancer, look into clinical trials at www.clinicaltrials.gov
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Ryan McGee
How long does it take homeopathic remedies to work?
I\'ve already taken two 30C doses of what the doctor gave me. It\'s been two and a half weeks and I don\'t notice any benefits. Do homeopathic remedies usually take this long to begin working?
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Ryan McGee
Actually, it\'s been more on the order of one and a half to two weeks. I\'m wondering if I should be taking something else. I don\'t see the homeopath practitioner until early November. :-/
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Misha Sarov
StGeorge wrote:
How long does it take homeopathic remedies to work?
I've already taken two 30C doses of what the doctor gave me. It's been two and a half weeks and I don't notice any benefits. Do homeopathic remedies usually take this long to begin working?
it depends
if your problem is a chronic one (p.e. migrain,psoriasis,allergy etc) you should wait sometime.
if is something acute (p.e. cold,sting, etc) the correct homeopathic remedy works in a few hours or minutes sometimes.
anyway,you should always have your homeopathic advisor\'s cell phone number available to call him if there is such a need.
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Again, the mom speaking.
Different bee products are used for diffreent problems.
Echinacea is fantastic as a short-term immuno-booster- for a quick result with colds and flu safe to use. However, beware of prolonged use of this herb.
propolis, on the other hand will not give you fast results, but it is safe to be used daily and covers a variety of health problems.
Royal jelly is marketed most of the times incorrectly. I never advise a healthy person on a reasonable diet to take royal; jelly - weight gain one of the reasons. For specific problems , however it is excellent . beware of the source, Chinese is awful - but lo and behold, Since EU warned about Chinese royal jelly Vietnam started producing tons of that.
Propolis is not recommended to persons who are allergic to tree resins - 1 in 2000 approx.
As far as homeopathy is concerned I tried using it without much reulst, do not want to say that it does not work but it did not work for me.
Regards to all
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I would have to second Misha\'s response.
Depends if this is chronic or acute. If it is acute, the rememdy should have made some change, but chronic takes time.
Are you taking \\"notes\\" about any different way you feel or notice a difference whether you are inside or outside, time of day, what causes a flair up, emotional differences, etc.? Go prepared to your next appt.
ALSO, do call your doc. Personally, my doc calls after a day or two to check up and see how things are going (with acutes at least)...and has follow ups. She also is a great educator. I would encourage you to ask your doc questions...and read a basic homeopathy book. Dana Ullman has a couple good ones. Becoming familiar with this different way of healing is important. Relearning how to be watchful and aware of all kind of variables is also important.
Anyway, hopefully this is some help.
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Ryan McGee
Marionberry wrote:
I would have to second Misha's response.
Depends if this is chronic or acute. If it is acute, the rememdy should have made some change, but chronic takes time.
Are you taking \"notes\" about any different way you feel or notice a difference whether you are inside or outside, time of day, what causes a flair up, emotional differences, etc.? Go prepared to your next appt.
ALSO, do call your doc. Personally, my doc calls after a day or two to check up and see how things are going (with acutes at /least)...and has follow ups. She also is a great educator. I would encourage you to ask your doc questions...and read a basic homeopathy book. Dana Ullman has a couple good ones. Becoming familiar with this different way of healing is important. Relearning how to be watchful and aware of all kind of variables is a/lso important.
Anyway, hopefully this is some help.
I keep a regular journal (not just for medical purposes) and write in it several days a week, sometimes daily. I frequently write down how I\'ve been feeling, changes in my health, etc. I go to the homeopath again this Friday. I think I\'ll gather my material before then. I\'ve been reading up online about homeopathy, including several chapters of Hahnemann\'s book. I found another homeopathic remedy that, when I read about it, seems to fit me better. I was thinking of bringing it to the homeopath\'s attention and seeing what he thinks. It\'s in the same class as the one I now take, but the symptoms seem to fit much better than the one I now take (which is primarily for symptoms I have not had for a long time).
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Jenn Rademacher
Regarding homeopathic meds. I have found that Zicam nasal swabs honestly work in warding off a newly developing cold. If treatment is started right at the beginning of the cold symptoms, the symptoms will dissipate in a day or so.
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I love homeopathic remedies, in my culture (Serbian) we live by it. I just don\'t know where to find them in US! I recently moved to the Bay Area and I have heard that there are farms where you can buy most produce but no clue about location. So called organic stores don\'t have a quality of food that I\'m used to. I stil feel like I am eating paper or plastic, if anyone knows of stores or farms please send me the information. Thank you, Kristina
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living in korea, almost every food has some health benefit attributed to it...
but some I liked are quince tea for sore throat, or schizandrae fructus (spelling?) (in korean, \\"o-mi-ja\\") tea for sore throat and kidney health
but when I came down with kidney problems from china\'s malimine tainted milk powder, cranberry juice didn\'t do it for me... a beer a day did the trick much better
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Ryan McGee
I've been to the homeopath several times. He's given me a few things, but nothing seems to be helping. I'm kinda bummed out. :(
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Brothers and sisters hello.
Note a couple of things:
Homeopathy, is more than few old natural potions and remedies. It has a philosophy behind it which a lot of fathers have written against it. I will try to find some texts in English and send it to you.
As for the other thing that mysticalgirl asked, enter our site, send an email to vatopinions@gmail.com with your adress and we will send you a piece of cloth, blessed on the belt of our Holy Mother Theotokos that perform many , many miracles.
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