\\"In a letter delivered to Pelosi\'s office, Archbishop Niederauer stated that local Catholics are pressuring him to forbid the California Democrat to receive Holy Communion because of her recent televised remarks favoring abortion. \\"
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Steven Adams
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Misha Sarov
Maybe papists want the kids to be born ,so that they will be available for \\"future use\\".
\\"The dioceses were encouraged to issue reports of their own based on the surveys that they had completed. The Report found accusations for sexual abuse against 4,392 priests in the USA, about 4% of all priests.\\"
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Misha Sarov
dear friend
the word papist has been used through the ages from many saints and fathers of the Orthodox Church.
and until today from several bishops and priests p.e. metropolitan Hierotheos Vlahos,metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeous,metropolitan Joseph of Proikonissa etc
so,you have to accuse them.
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Steven wrote:
Petros wrote:
"In a letter delivered to Pelosi's office, Archbishop Niederauer stated that local Catholics are pressuring him to forbid the California Democrat to receive Holy Communion because of her recent televised remarks favoring abortion. "
Whether or not someone is barred from Holy Communion is no one else's business, in my judgment. According to Catholic canon law (I don't know if its the same for the Orthodox), the local bishop is supposed to first contact the individual privately and try to sort things out there. Only if that fails is he then supposed to issue an order to priests instructing them to refuse a person Holy Communion.
However this is being done, I certainly hope it was done with the soul of Mrs. Pelosi in mind and not for some political end. The Holy Eucharist is not a tool to be used for politics; it is for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal.
Well, Steven, as indicated by further quote from the article, it sounds like he is seeking to cousel her privately. But when a public figure publicly states that their church does not have a drfinite and settled teaching on abortion, it would be right for the shepherds of said church to correct that figure publicly.
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Steven Adams
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Steven Adams
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I think what the problem here is that there is the appearance that Communion is being withheld for political as opposed to spiritual reasons (as was pointed out earlier). However this is often the case with the Latins and shouldn\'t come as a big surprise.
It\'s common to hear the threats against prominent politcal figures but I often wonder if any \\"Joe/Jane Q. Publics\\" recieve similar threats.
Also it strikes me as a little out of line to accuse the Latins of doing this to somehow get a new supply of children to abuse or what ever else. We Orthodox have failed to protect many children from abuse by clergy (not that ours was to the level of theirs) so we should be wary of what we say.
I agree that abortion needs to be stood against, as it seems does the RC church. The question is how to do so properly.
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John Chan
Steven wrote:People can say whatever they like.
Well... people WILL say whatever they like. Whether or not it stays visible on the forum is another matter.
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Misha Sarov
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John Chan
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despondency, lust for power and idle talk.
But grant unto me, Thy servant, a spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see mine own faults and not to judge my brother. For blessed art Thou unto the ages. Amen.
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