Am I really going to have to see people belittle the party they are not a member of and see people try to subvert this faith into a political party like the baptists and protestants do?
It\'s getting old to see people say \\"oh the Dems are evil\\" or whatever or how the church is too good for sinners, in regards to one party or another, or what have you. If that is what this place will be than I will take my exit now and let you cast fingers amongst yourselves.
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Silouanos wrote:
ReaderJohn wrote:
Abortion in Orthodox countries is a clear legacy of communism. Consider that. Even in Greece, the communist influence was strong, and now they have rampant secularism.
Yes, Reader, I will give you that. The point being is that the EOC is doing little, if any, to address the issue. I would love to see the Orthodox Church re-establish holistic programs as were found in the Byzantine church that addressed social issues and the needs of the whole person, thereby giving a holy alternative to a secular last option. I understand this to be a fairly romantic idea. However, there could be church-sponsored programs to address these issues.
The thing is though, whenever someone (i.e. clergy) does speak up about it, they get shot down. It happened on OC. So what is the point if the Church speaks up, if no one listens and says \\"it is not their job to tell me how to vote\\"..
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Andrew Colias
The United States is not an Orthodox country, nor in today\'s world is any country. There will never be a politician in any country who truly embodies Orthodoxy; politics by definition will always exclude such a person. Regardless, religion must never embed with politics. Orthodoxy must be lived between politics, not through them. Morality can never be imposed downwards, only practiced voluntarily. This does not mean apathy, however.
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outsider wrote:
Soulfyre, there is a difference between discussing such issues and declaring that Orthodox should only vote for Republicans because they are Orthodox. Nor is it passive-aggressive to suggest that attempting such manipulations is deceptive at best.
It boils down to a formula that follows a similar pattern to \"I can't vote for X candidate because of Y issue even though X candidate has opposing views on Z issue,\" followed by a declaration about how Y issue is more important than Z issue and again why said candidate is the only one an Orthodox Christian can vote for in good faith. Rinse repeat. So yes when you follow that formula you are subverting this faith and it benefits the candidate you root for rather than your soul.
Outsider, alot of this started when I posted the letter from Fr. Demetri. Why do you insists on saying he said vote for republicans? He said to vote ONLY for those who are pro-life on every level of government. As fas as president is concerned, this i McCain, at congressional, local level, that may be a democrat. YOU turned this into a partisan thing, bringing the war into it.
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Yes in a 2 party system when you say or Father Demtrios says \\"Don\'t vote for Obama\\" while simultaneously excusing the deaths of anyone killed in a war or otherwise dismissing any other complaints with the candidate you are saying to vote for. McCain is as good a choice for a Christian as Obama but you want McCain to win and so you demonize Obama while throwing out terms like liberal as though it were an insult or comparing people who disagree with you to Hitler. McCain is as much pro-death as Obama but you will keep your eyes shut to it.
That will never do away with abortion it will merely get the candidate you prefer elected. You really want to keep bring abortion and Obama up as though being pro-life is as simple as being against abortion. Being pro-life is far more than merely being against abortion. If you only vote for candidates who are pro-life you won\'t vote for McCain or Obama yet I\'m pretty sure I know who you are voting for.
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outsider wrote:
Yes in a 2 party system when you say or Father Demtrios says \"Don't vote for Obama\" while simultaneously excusing the deaths of anyone killed in a war or otherwise dismissing any other complaints with the candidate you are saying to vote for. McCain is as good a choice for a Christian as Obama but you want McCain to win and so you demonize Obama while throwing out terms like liberal as though it were an insult or comparing people who disagree with you to Hitler. McCain is as much pro-death as Obama but you will keep your eyes shut to it.
That will never do away with abortion it will merely get the candidate you prefer elected. You really want to keep bring abortion and Obama up as though being pro-life is as simple as being against abortion. Being pro-life is far more than merely being against abortion. If you only vote for candidates who are pro-life you won't vote for McCain or Obama yet I'm pretty sure I know who you are voting for.
Who says he, by saying vote pro life concerning ABORTION, is excusing any other deaths? What part of some things may take precedence over another do you not understand? I know who you are voting for, and he is the one who wants to kill innocent babies. I am done argueing with people who have no clue what other people are even talking about. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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I have an idea. Let\'s find the number of innocent aborted babies since the Iraq war started, and compare that number to the number of innocent Iraqi civilians killed since the Iraq war started. But don\'t forget, we need to remove the 80% of civilians that were killed by their own people the terrorists. Let\'s only count the number of innocents actually killed by US forces. I mean it is Americans who are killing these babies, so only the innocent Iraqis killed by Americans should count right?
Let\'s put this into perspective. But most liberals can\'t think that deep..
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Actually you don\'t know who I\'m voting for and very likely it isn\'t Obama or McCain because neither one of them are people that I would like to see as president though I have already told you that Obama is not getting my vote. Though a difference between you and I is that I knew the lies you told about him were lies meanwhile you either told them knowingly or you told them irresponsibly without investigating them. You misrepresent his positions to further your own ends. You view one life as more important than another even though in many cases the person being killed did nothing wrong and even if they did I find no more justification in their deaths than had they done nothing wrong. Where I say a good Orthodox Christian can vote for either you say the opposite.
Neither are pro-life by virtue that neither of them are in a position to end abortion and that neither of them will end the wars we are fighting currently. One wants abortion to be legal, the other wants it to be legal in the case of rape but requires nothing to show a rape occurred netting the effect that abortion is as legal as ever. Neither of them will fight to protect my privacy or yours. Neither of them will fight to protect the constitution as a whole, they both see parts of it as something so easily discarded.
What you see as key differences I see as token nods to the left or to the right as an attempt to differentiate one campaign from another.
We\'ve had pro-life presidents for 20 of the last 28 years and yet abortions are still legal despite Republicans controlling both houses of Congress during much of that time. The other results have been pretty horrible where we funded those we later went to war with. In the 8 years not controlled by Republicans we also invaded sovereign nations, we bombed a mostly Orthodox country and used similar reasons for our actions in Serbia as were used later to justify attacking Iraq. And before those 28 years is was mostly Republican Supreme Court Justices that voted for Roe v. Wade to remove abortion bans.
I wonder what you define conservatism and liberalism as though I\'m sure I\'d think your definition of either was wrong.
As a last note it\'s really annoying to see topics from a deleted thread brought back up again.
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Misha Sarov
I learn that the greekamericans will clearly and openly support Obama and Biden.
Biden is a strong and old supporter of the greek positions about Cyprus occupation and the Skopje\'s issue.
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John Chan
outsider wrote:As a last note it's really annoying to see topics from a deleted thread brought back up again.
Yes, it\'s a weird thing about the internet. There is no such thing as gravity and some things NEVER drop.
on a brighter thought, Christ is risen!
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outsider wrote:
Actually you don't know who I'm voting for and very likely it isn't Obama or McCain because neither one of them are people that I would like to see as president though I have already told you that Obama is not getting my vote. Though a difference between you and I is that I knew the lies you told about him were lies meanwhile you either told them knowingly or you told them irresponsibly without investigating them. You misrepresent his positions to further your own ends. You view one life as more important than another even though in many cases the person being killed did nothing wrong and even if they did I find no more justification in their deaths than had they done nothing wrong. Where I say a good Orthodox Christian can vote for either you say the opposite.
Neither are pro-life by virtue that neither of them are in a position to end abortion and that neither of them will end the wars we are fighting currently. One wants abortion to be legal, the other wants it to be legal in the case of rape but requires nothing to show a rape occurred netting the effect that abortion is as legal as ever. Neither of them will fight to protect my privacy or yours. Neither of them will fight to protect the constitution as a whole, they both see parts of it as something so easily discarded.
What you see as key differences I see as token nods to the left or to the right as an attempt to differentiate one campaign from another.
We've had pro-life presidents for 20 of the last 28 years and yet abortions are still legal despite Republicans controlling both houses of Congress during much of that time. The other results have been pretty horrible where we funded those we later went to war with. In the 8 years not controlled by Republicans we also invaded sovereign nations, we bombed a mostly Orthodox country and used similar reasons for our actions in Serbia as were used later to justify attacking Iraq. And before those 28 years is was mostly Republican Supreme Court Justices that voted for Roe v. Wade to remove abortion bans.
I wonder what you define conservatism and liberalism as though I'm sure I'd think your definition of either was wrong.
As a last note it's really annoying to see topics from a deleted thread brought back up again.
What lies outsider? It is proven what Obama wants, I posted a video in HIS OWN WORDS. But keep believing people are making it up, I guess it makes you feel better. Out of sight, out of mind...isn\'t that what the pro \\"choice\\" people think...?
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This will NEVER is to important. Some people don\'t see clearly.
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Lies like how you said he wasn\'t born in the USA, he has no birth certificate. There were a couple more but they were as ridiculous as those.
You\'re acting delusional and the whole anti-liberal thing you do gets old fast.
You sound like a broken record unwilling to see anything that doesn\'t fit into your narrow view.
Good bye.
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LOL..I don\'t really care where a person was born, if they are pro-death, they need to go to the wayside.
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You sure cared where he was born when you were telling lies about him before you were corrected about his place of birth and McCain being born out of country. Funny how that changes.
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The only difference is...war has been justified in the BIble. David, St. Constantine went to wars. Abortion has NEVER been justified. You can\'t compare the two. You lose.
McCain was born on American soil.
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