I\'m pleasantly surprised to see that a major political party would even know who Archbishop Demetrios was, let alone consider him important enough to invite.
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It is pretty amazing, especially considering that we Orthodox were snubbed at the DNC\'s faith confrence earlier this week where they claimed that EVERY faith was represented. Ah well. I have been told that His Eminance will also be giving the invocation at the RNC as well.
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Russell wrote:
It is pretty amazing, especially considering that we Orthodox were snubbed at the DNC's faith confrence earlier this week where they claimed that EVERY faith was represented. Ah well. I have been told that His Eminance will also be giving the invocation at the RNC as well.
Would this be the first time an Orthodox Priest or Bishop Or ArchBishop ever gave an incovation at a political convention?
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Wow that is amazing. I wasn\'t going to watch it but I am now. I must say watching the people dancing right now makes it all worth while...
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I don\'t think it is. I am under the impression that His Eminance has given these type of invocations before.
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Marie Moffitt
This sort of thing was not uncommon even in the days of Archbishop Iakovos.
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OK, you\'ll have to excuse my ignorance, I\'ve only lived in this country 5 years. I was just surprised, that\'s all. I would have expected the invocation to be given by the leaders of one of the more numerically significant religions (Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian etc.) I guess they are trying to be inclusive.
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Anastasia (DeVries) Croll
I am glad to hear that he is giving an innvocation at the RNC as well. I\'d like to believe the Church is above partison politics and would hate to see her attached to one political party over another. IMO, political endorsements (even when only implied) can be a sticky wicket...
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AnnaChristine wrote:
I am glad to hear that he is giving an innvocation at the RNC as well. I'd like to believe the Church is above partison politics and would hate to see her attached to one political party over another. IMO, political endorsements (even when only implied) can be a sticky wicket...
I think if he did one, he\'d have to do the other, for the reason you state.
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My understanding is that he agreed to give the invocation ONLY if he was to give it at both conventions. A wise way to do it in my opinion.
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