Does anyone know if there are any forbidden foods (aside from fasts), we as orthodox are unable to consume? (i.e. frogs legs, snakes or blood containing foods) I\'ve heard there are but not sure what they are exactly and what the source (biblical? rudder?) of these restrictions are?
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Marie Moffitt
Read St. Peter\'s vision in the Book of Acts for the biblical source: there aren\'t any such restrictions by conventional standards.
If you also adhere to the ideals of vegetarian/vegan groups like PETA, you might be able to make a personal case against eating anything that you feel promotes animal cruelty. If you are deeply concerned about social justice, you might feel ethically/religiously bound, say, to purchase only free-trade coffee. Neither of these examples reflects any formal practice of the Orthodox Church and involves only a personal decision on the part of an individual.
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Elena Ribarevski
I would imagine that cannibalism is probably prohibited.
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thank you both!
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