Instead of just eating a normal meal on the day after a long fast, take your family to a cheap restaurant (not buffet-style) and order one of everything. If you don\'t think you have enough family members to eat all of it, invite friends or strangers. The more people, the better the feast. The restaurant employees will think that you are crazy when you order one of each item, and it is funny to see the expressions on their faces. Make sure you find a big table because you will need it.
Believe me, once you do this, your kids will *want* to do all the Church fasts just so they can do the feast at the end.
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Elizabeth G
Sounds fun but kinda expensive.... but Maybe I could try it someday.
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John Chan
It would have to be a VERY small restaurant if I were to try doing that.
(chee\'burger chee\'burger! no coke. pepsi.)
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KFC/Taco Bell cost us $37.
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I no advice on feating! It\'s not hard!
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feast=steak and A1 sauce, home-grilled
or ribs, ribs are good too
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Rev Fr Athanasios Haros
I think fasting needs to come FROM a relationship with Christ, not first. I know you are not suggesting otherwise here, but I have found in many cases that people try to fast when they themselves have no real relationship with Christ. There is no motive without relationship to Christ. FIRST discover who Christ is, then we will want to fast to be more like Him.
In Christ, DA
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Melanie Samaroden
I think we are missing the whole point of feasting. It isn\'t to gorge ourselves on everything we have been \"deprived\" of for 40 days. It is to celebrate Christ. Like my priest Fr. John Hainsworth likes to say at Pascha: \"It is \'Christ has risen from the dead\', not \'steak has risen from the freezer\'\".
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This is a true story I heard from a friend who went on a pilgrimage to Greece and the Holy Land some years ago:
Many years ago, before the Russian Revolution, there arrived in Jerusalem at the beginning of Great Lent a large group of Russian pilgrims. The Russians were soon easy to spot by the locals: they dressed simply, they spoke little and rarely smiled, they dutifully attended the Lenten services day and night. Come Holy Week, again their presence was noted. More services, longer services, if anything, the pilgrims\' demeanour became even more sombre.
At the Resurrection services, the churchbells erupted in ecstatic, festive peals, the pilgrims greeted each other with joyous cries of \"Khristos Voskrese\", the reply \"Voistinnu Voskrese\" was just as joyous. Their grinning faces shone brightly in the light of their candles.
The next day, all was quiet. But, in the early afternoon, the streets of Jerusalem were soon filled with drunken Russians .....
Yup. That\'d be right. All-or-nothing.
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Understandably, fasting, and the then feasting, is about our relationship with Christ and making it better and closer and remembering what He did for us. But fasting is just as much about food as feasting is! I think, no matter who you are, if you don\'t look forward to eating the foods you have been without, then you really haven\'t been fasting, have you? You\'ve not deprived yourself. =) My two cents? Bring on one of everything! That sounds like a fun way to celebrate.
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My beloved priest, who fasted quite strictly, always said that we should feast just as intensely as we fast. Woe to us if we only feast without fasting! I always try to remember this, because I tend to overdo one and grudgingly do the other (I am sure you can figure out which is which). To eat unto the glory of God is the purpose of breaking a fast, although as a gluttonous soul I tend to think about the food as an end in and of itself. It\'s all about the food with me! Wrong thinking!
I also had a dear monastic priest who befriended me whilst I was in the Catechumenate (I felt very blessed), and would always be teaching everyone the blessings of prostrations - even on feastdays! He would always say to me on every great feast, \"We feast today, but remember, tomorrow, we shall fast.\" It\'s always about balancing these two very important blessings, feasting and fasting!
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My beloved priest, who fasted quite strictly, always said that we should feast just as intensely as we fast!!
Very well said! and father athanasios i have to agree 101% with you too!
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