I recently discovered some pretty neat tech. Firstly, I\'ve installed and am using Mozilla software now, the Firefox web browser and Thunderbird e-mail programs are great and have some really amazing features. I honestly never thought I\'d switch over from IE7 and Outlook so this is a big move for me. heh Also, Amazon.com\'s \\"Unbox Video on Demand Player\\" and the Adobe Media player have both made their way onto my system. I am really impressed with the capabilities of these programs and am even downloading some of our favorite shows as we speak. It\'s nice to be able to download and subscribe to shows and movies you like in commercial free HD and have them just a download away. I\'m almost compelled to drop out regular satellite service but I like having news and local channels - with that said the thought of commercial free tv is very enticing.
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NOTE: Adobe Media Player gives you access to the Food Channel and a lot of really great recipes.
Three words: Chocolate Pecan Pie
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Kira Meholick
What OS are you running? I\'ve become quite an Ubuntu fan. My family is still phobic, though! :)
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Im using Windows XP SP3 - Ubuntu, from what little, I know seems neat but I\'m a bit scared of it as well.. heh
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With Firefox an extension I really recommend is \\"All-in-one gestures.\\" Mouse gestures are really handy when you get used to them and they are easy to get used to. Also Ad Block Plus is another extension available for Firefox. That is handy if you see an ad or picture you don\'t want to see again, you right click on it and block it.
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I\'m not to big on the gestures yet but I can see how they are really handy. Currently, I\'m using Web of Trust (WOT), AdBlock Plus, Flashblock (I give it an A ), Interclue (Again an A ), Cool Iris (Simply amazing), Smart Bookmarks Bar and of course the All in-One Sidebar.
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