I just returned from a most-blessed month-long pilgrimage to Greece. I\'ve been waiting to go for 12 years, which is the time it took me to save all the airline miles for my family since I last visited (right before getting married)! The priest made a comment my first Sunday back: \\"When people in your parish go on a pilgrimage, it is a very blessed thing, and it will bless and inspire your whole parish.\\" I feel this is absolutely true.
What is a pilgrimage, exactly? Well, I think it is an \\"intentional journey\\". Unlike a vacation, the purpose is for spiritual enrichment rather than relaxation or recreation. And it entails \\"going away\\" to some degree, traveling to a particular place for the purpose of prayer and spiritual edification.
Do any of you have wonderful pilgrimage stories to share? How about \\"local pilgrimages\\" in our own country we can consider going?
I managed to put up an extensive blog of our pilgrimage and you are invited to look through it at your leisure. It is at ourpilgrimage2008.blogspot.com
In Christ,
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