John Chan
I was at a training course recently, and one of the technicians was a bubbly, fresh-out-of college, twenty something. She cheerfully chattered over lunch that she had a \\"2009\\" list of things she wanted to do before 2008 was over.
\\"white-water rafting through the delaware water gap\\"
\\"cooking and eating a lobster that I personally catch off the coast of Maine\\"
I was in my forty-something mode and stared blankly at her for awhile, until I realized that she wasn\'t about to let anybody\'s cynicism spoil her fun. She knew her plans were not always realisitc, but she put them on her list anyway.
I asked if she would move unfinished things from this list to a 2010 list, and she said \\"no - that would be defeating the purpose\\"
So, I went ahead and looked at my list of things I want to accomplish before 2009.
1. fix the closet doors
2. change the sink bowl and faucet
3. re-do the drafty window before it gets cold
4. fix the skirting around the house
I don\'t think I\'ll be sharing my list with that giggly kid.
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Paul Barrera
I think our lists give away what stage of life w\'e\'re in!
mine looks like this:
-go on belated honeymoon
-visit women\'s monastery with my wife
-move to a different apartment
-start saving for pilgrimage to the Holy Land!
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Marie Moffitt
1. Get a new toilet for the downstairs powder room.
2. Find a time when I can get away from work long enough to visit my new granddaughter on another continent.
3. Get the house cleaned up enough that the painters will be able to do their work. This will involve throwing out a lot of stuff.
4. Replace the bed in our younger son\'s room that we gave him when he moved to an apartment years ago, so the room can become a guest room.
5. Steal and throw out a lot of my retired husband\'s worst old clothes.
6. Make sure the cats get their shots.
Yeah, it lacks a certain glamor.
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1. New kitchen counter tops.
2. New appliances.
3. New flooring throughout the kitchen and great room.
4. Paint the kitchen and great room.
5. New car for my wife.
6. More bookshelves in my study.
7. New desk in my study.
I want to have all of this done by 2025.
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Thanks John.
Your post hit home for me too. Very Funny, It really does show the stage of life we are all at.
And then, I am often accused of some how making \\"My List\\" , Wynn\'s Honey-do List without his knowledge. LOL! Yup, guess I am guilty as charged.
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MariaM wrote:
5. Steal and throw out a lot of my retired husband's worst old clothes.
Good luck on that one, Maria! And if he\'s a fisherman, be prepared for \\"but that was my lucky fishing shirt!!\\" .... :grin:
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John Chan
I fixed the closet doors! yay for me.
Don\'t touch my old clothes... it\'s all I have.
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Naomi Leventis
list...what list?? I just stand in the middle of my apartment with my hands on my hips and say, \\"I gotta clear off that table, I gotta empty those boxes, I gotta shred those papers, I gotta seal the toilet, I gotta replace those blinds,\\" and then I wake myself up from that nightmare and go and sit back down!!!
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