Ryan McGee
.Post in New OC Layout
What does everyone think of the new OC Layout? I just started navigating it today but already am impressed. Anyone have discoveries worth sharing?
Athanasia Ellmore
.Post in New OC Layout
I like the layout much better than the previous one. I am, however, still trying to figure out how things work. For example, I joined a circle but the only place it shows upis under my profile in "Info." None of the circles I belong to show up in the "My Circles" link on the left column.Also, I still need to mess with my privacy settings. Right now they are wide open to the community.I hope this really gets to be very active. I think it has a lot of potential.Athanasia
John Chan
.Post in New OC Layout
Yes to the privacy settings. I didn't realize until day two or three that I was visible to anyone (even folks not logged onto the site.)I played with uploading photos, and a blog entry. I was invited to the chat room which looks like fun, but I can't stay here too long (at work now). Looks very good, but maybe some of the old old threads in the forum could be deleted.
I came across this article on Bing (MSNBC), then I went to the website. It is about fixing a date to the end of the world. May 21, 2011, and NOT Dec 21, 2012. And I had plans after May. What do I do now? [url=]MSNBC Article[/url] [url=]web page[/url] I shouldn't mock these people, but I find it hard to believe that they have a fixed date. Dave
I am so glad Ninos is back. If he wants help with the site, I can suggest some names for him. Both very practiced and schooled in web design and all the stuff that goes with it. Seraphim is one person with degree from U of O, and Mark is another, with very interesting clientele, including the New Yorker and U2 (the band).... xenspirit7
I rarely come here anymore. I got the feeling that the site had been hijacked by krazy konverts and there really wasn't much to attract me to it. This is probably not true, but impressions count. I checked in today on a whim and a hope.
I couldn't connect for 3 weeks but am glad it is back. Wynn, you won't remember me, but I visited you Church Martin Luther Day weekend 2009. Fr. Theodore was celebrating his 80th birthday. You gave me a card with Orthodox Circle's web address and I signed up. Thanx.
Sorry i have not responded sooner. As we all know Ninos is in Seminary and is very busy with that. We do not have any new members coming in for now. He is looking to take the OrthodoXCircle to a new level. Please be patient and it will worth the wait. Keep Ninos and his journey in your prayers.
I know I don't get on here much anymore. FB has taken over the job. There are a \"ton\" of place on FB to have Orthodox Fellowship. This remind me of how \"behind\" we always seem to be as Orthodox Christians. OC was a great tool for Orthodox Social Networking but cannot compete with the \"bells and whistles\" of FB so people phase out.....nothing against OC. I still come by here and now but it is clear by your question I might be part of a dwindling number. In fact, I had assumed that since I couldn't log on for a while, it had closed.....glad to see it hasn't. In Christ, Father Athanasios