My friend, it is true that the lives of all the Saints, especially the martyrs, are marked by courage. Yet I pray to our Lord Jesus, who suffered crucifixion and death for the sake of us all. Perhaps this is not truly the answer you wished, and for this I apologize, for I am not trying, in my answer, to be \\"holier than thou.\\" I am simply at a loss to narrow your answer down to one saint, and I am also somewhat new to Orthodoxy.
I agree with Minda, in the Coptic Orthodox church we call Mary: \'the strong one during the wars\'. But I think it can also depend upon the situation... One time I had to sing in front of a big audience (abt 400) and I was soooo afraid and nervous. I asked for the intercessions of David, the psalmist, asked him to stand by my side while I was singing, and thank God I managed and it sounded better than my cat lol God bless
Almost anyone will do! It takes courage to become a saint. My personal favorite is St. Maria of Paris, who died in Auschwitz. There is nothing to keep from asking God directly, too.